Runaway Love Chaper 2 - You gotta be kiddin me!

The new family
From (my) left , Courtney , mom Vanessa , Dad Mike and little Nicole

I sat on the bed and looked around in the room and waited for Justin to come upstairs. The wallpaper was blue with white dots on , it's a great combination between colurs. The furnitures was white and black , in a corner of the room stood a white desk with a laptop on. First i got chocked but then i thaught again , hes like a big teen popstar off course he has a laptop in his guestroom , i mean hes not exactly poor like me...
My thoughts were interrupted quickly when there was a knock on the door and Justin opened the door gently!
- Aye i thaught you maybe wanted something to eat and drink!?
I nodded a little shyly . He set down a tray with a cup of hot chocolate and two sandwiches on the bedside table.
He sat down next to me and just looked at me.
- I can't eat when you're staring at me , i said and laughed a little bit.
- Oh sorry , he said and quickly moved his haid away.
I was so hungry that I ate both of the sandwiches in a few minutes. I was quite thirsty by the sandwiches, so I quickly began to drink the hot chocolate. And of course I burned my tongue! That's just so typical me.
- Aouch!
- Are you okey? Justin asked anxiously.
I nodded and bit myself on my tongue just so i would'nt start to cry. He would think i'm such a baby if I start to cry now , i thaught and blinked away the tears in my eyes.
- So how old are you? Justin asked.
- I'm 15 and you?
- I turned 15 yesterday!
- Oh well congrats , one day late though , i said and smiled at him.
- Thanks , he said and smiled back. Well i should go but feel free to use internet! He said and took the tray and walked out.
I walked to the desk and turned on the computer. I logged in at facebook and looked at my notifications!
I saw that i had fourteen new messenges and i clicked in on it.

''Bitch go to hell''
'' Both you and your dad belongs in hell''
'' Jump off a cliff''
'' Fucking cunt''

When i read all those messenges it all reminded me of why i wanted to kill myself!
I shuted the computer down and crawled into bed , i layed down in the bed and stared at the ceiling and could not help myself thinking about the future.
What's gonna happend to me now? What's gonna happend to dad? I don't want the police to take my dad! Or would i ???

- Hi exscuse me , said a strange voice. I opened my eyes and saw a strange woman looking at me.
- Hi i'm Pattie , Justins mom , she shaked my hand and smiled at me. Can you come down to the kitchen there are some people here who would like to speak with you!
I nodded and she walked out of the room.
I put on a pair of shorts and a purple tshirt , i walked into the bathroom and brushed through my hair and then set it up with a rubberband.
Then i walked down stars and in to the kitchen. I looked shocked at two female officers who were sitting at a kitchen table and looking at me.
- Di...did i do something wrong? I asked, with a shaking voice.
- No but we want to talk about your dad! The blonde officer said. She pointed at a chair , meaning that i should sit down. I did what she told me and looked at her with a straight face.
- Your dad jail , said the black officer.
- What why!? i almost screamed at her.
- He murdered a person...your mom! she said and looked at me serious.
I was speachless and just stared at her with an open mouth.
- And what will happen to you is that you will be placed in a foster care , with a nice family! And they're taking you as soon as today!
- No way in hell! I screamed at her.
Pattie tried to hug me but i did'nt want to.
- They have two children , Courtney who is 6 years old and Nicole who is three years old , said the blonde officer. And your new parents name are Mike and Vanessa.
- I don't want any new parents!
- I know honey but this is for the best cause we do'nt want you end up in the streets! Your to good for that!
- Yes , you have straight A:s in school so it won't be a problem for you at the private school!
- Private school? i asked chocked.
- Yes the Barker family goes to private schools!
Omg what the fuck is this!? i thaught for myself , private schools? Am i going to live in a rich snob family?
You gotta be kiddin me!


Hii this chapter is made by me Future Mrs Bieber aka Denise :D so i think you should leave a coment and let me and BieberBabe aka Evelina know what you think!

Kiss and Love // Future Mrs Bieber <3

Postat av: Sandra

Aw poor Denise :( But the new family seems nice :D I love that picture up there :D

2011-07-08 @ 01:24:22
Postat av: Lisa

OMG why did he kill the mom? :O

2011-07-08 @ 18:03:01

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